



カール・ヴァーヘイエンの名前を1993年か1994年ぐらいに『ギター・プレイヤー』で見た。興味が出て、渋谷のタワー・レコードで彼のCDを探した。早速、カール・ヴァーヘイエンの初ソロ・アルバム『No Borders を買った。ギター・テクニックが素晴らしかったけど、ブルーズ大好きな私には物足りなかった。その時代の人気シュレッドギターアルバムだった。何回か聴いて、そしてすっかり忘れちゃった。

21世紀になり、カール・ヴァーヘイエンの曲『Jet Plane Blues』が私のPCに有った。聴いたら、完全に見直した。ブルーズなんだけど、カール・ヴァーヘイエンの味がすごく出ていた。彼しか出来ないブルーズだった。ジェッフ・ベックやエリック・クラプトンの影響が聴こえるけど、フレージングと音選びが自分らしくて最高。ヴァーヘイエンは元々ビートルズとブルーズが大好きで、その影響を見せたかった。2作目『Garage Sale』と特に3作目『Slang Justice』からは曲作りと歌を大事にしている。


Carl Verheyen

Trading 8s

I first became aware of Carl Verheyen through Guitar Player magazine in the early '90s. Duly impressed by the glowing write-up, I dutifully went and picked up his first solo album, No Borders, from Tower Records in Shibuya. To be honest, I wasn't that impressed. This was the tail end of the 'shred' era and this album was very much of that time. He was obviously very proficient in a variety of styles but the setting left blues-loving Crusty a bit cold and the CD wound up getting spun a few times and then largely forgotten.

Verheyen obviously felt the same way. A die-hard Beatles fan, Verheyen changed his style by going back to his roots and focusing on songs and a bluesier style of guitar playing. While that change is evident on his second album, Garage Sale, it really became prominent with his third album, Slang Justice. More vocal-oriented it also featured more than a couple of blues numbers, including that hoary old chestnut, 'Two Trains Running' and Verheyen's own take on the form, 'Jet Plane Blues'. The latter featured a solo that brilliantly showcases his ability to combine traditional blues clichés with his own intervallic thing and sound like nobody but Carl Verheyen.

It was this song that found its way onto my computer - that seemed to happen quite a bit at the start of the century ; ) - and promptly brought Carl Verheyen back onto my music radar. I have since eagerly awaited each new release. With Trading 8s this is possibly even more true because of the stellar players he has guesting with him. In addition to the three included in this podcast - Joe Bonamassa, Scott Henderson and Rick Vito - it features Crusty faves, Robben Ford (possibly the tastiest blues player alive), Albert Lee (country guitar wouldn't be the same without him. And that's a good thing) and Steve Morse (of the Dixie Dregs! Enough said).

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